Provideam v4.9 Released

July 7, 2015

Provideam v4.9 is now available for download. In this version we have bundled a number of customer requested enhancements. The standout new feature is the ability to apply conditional formatting to function columns on Reports and Views.

Read on for a summary of new features; 

OEE Module Features:

  • Conditional Table Formatting. In version 4.8 we made it possible to assign background colours to the columns in Provideam Reports and Views. We now give you the ability to apply conditional formatting to the background colour. For example you can chose grey as your normal background colour, but also specify that if the OEE value is greater then 32% the background colour should be green, and if it is less than 25% is should be red.
Conditional Formatting Admin


Conditional Formatting View


  • PDF Report Multi-page Headers. Customer who generate multi-page reports will be pleased to find that we now provide the option to repeat the Table Header on each page. Thus multi-page tabular reports become far easier to read.
  • Regional Number Formats. We have completed our implementation of regional number formatting in Reports/Views and Operator Entry Pages. Now, for example, if you chose the Spanish Regional Setting you will see decimal numbers appear with a  ‘,’ to mark the decimal point, rather than the ‘.’ you would see if you set the US Regional Setting.
  • Shift and Mode Comment. We have updated the Provideam Realtime Interface and OEE Dashboard to allow you to enter Shift and Mode Comments.
  • FlexFields and Comments applied to selected record only. We have modified the code in the Dashboard to allow you to update FlexFields or Comments for the selected record only – ie they are not repeated in proceeding records. This is useful if you want to add a comment which is only relevant to the selected record. Fields whose DataSource is set to ‘NA’ and whose ‘Display’ is set to ‘Modify’ will appear on the Dashboard and can be modified – but the value will not be repeated by the OEE Mon Service.


General Features:

  • Database. We have increased the time allowed to generate a backup to 15mins. Some customers with large databases and slow servers were experiencing timeouts on backup.
  • Provideam Database Management Tool. We expanded the ability of the ProvDBMgt Tool to allow you to manage database instances that were not created by Provideam. Thus if you have mounted the Provideam Database on an instance of SQL installed independently of Provideam, you can now avail of the features of ProvDBMgt Tool to simplify the administration of the database.
  • Licencing. We have changed the licencing requirements of the ProvKPI-to-OPC and ProvPlanAdherence Plug-ins. It is no longer necessary to licence these components for every Machine in your configuration. From now on you need only licence these components for the Machines with which you wish to use these plug-ins.


We hope you will find these new features very useful. For more information see the Revision History Table on the downloads page.

If you have any suggestions or comments for future versions please share them with us.

July 7, 2015
Paul Mitchell