Provideam v4.8 Released

March 5, 2015

We are delighted to announce the release of Provideam v4.8. In this release we have redesigned the OEE Report Wizard to enable us to add a number of powerful features.

A summary of new features;

OEE Report Wizard Features: 

  • Multiple Area Machine Selection. It is now possible to combine Machines from several Areas on the one Report. Up to now this feature was only available in the OEE Plant Rollup Report.
  • Enlarged Field Selection. It is also possible to include a large number of Fields in your reports which were only available via our WebService interface in the past. For example it is easy to include Fields such as PartName, PartDescription on your Report. In addition we have implemented a simple Drag-n-Drop facility to enable you to quickly arrange the Fields in your preferred order.
  • Field and Function Formatting. We have added the ability to set a range of format options for Fields and Functions. For example it would be possible to format a function to have 3 places of decimals, and to have a green background.
Function Format
  • Custom Functions. We have added the ability to allow you to create Custom Functions. Using a simple Drag-n-Drop Function Generator you can easily generate a Custom Function Formula. For Example fnCustomThrougput = (Good Parts + Defect Parts).
Custom Function Formula
Custom Function Display
  • Rollup Reports Tabular Data. The option to include tabular data has now been included in the Rollup Report.
Rollup with Table

We hope you will find these new features very useful.

If you have any suggestions or comments on the new look please share them with us.

March 5, 2015
Paul Mitchell